Purified Tannin Boiler Treatment

Kroff’s Purified tannin technology allows boilers to run higher cycles than conventional treatment can, allowing for lower blowdown.  Typical cycles are run at 25-35 cycles. Our purified tannin technology can run 100-200 cycles.  The purified tannin acts as the internal treatment as well as an oxygen scavenger.  Due to the increased cycles of concentration, caustic is no longer needed.

How Does This Work?

Kroff’s purified tannin boiler products are fed directly into DA/Feedwater Tanks, Feedwater piping, or individual boilers. The products can be fed using conventional chemical dosing pumps and no special pretreatment equipment is needed besides a water softener.

Our products are considered to be “Green” technology and are completely organic.  The purified boilers tannins are FDA and Kosher approved as well. Traditional boiler chemistries utilize polymers, phosphates, sulfites, and other chemistries that are not readily biodegradable and can cause challenges for wastewater treatment.


Why Do Customers Need This?

Traditional boiler water treatment programs are able to help customers in many different industries use water and energy efficiently while extending the life of all the components of a boiler system. The unique properties of boiler tannins allow our customers to enjoy the same level of protection for their assets; however, water can be used significantly more efficiently. Finally, the use of boiler tannins have proven to be an effective method for safely removing mineral scale from boiler tubes while the system is online, restoring heat transfer efficiency without needing to conduct an acid cleaning.

Click Here for an example proposal that outlines the potential savings and benefits of a purified tannin boiler treatment program.